Substance Abuse Articles, Blogs and Resources

Man on mountain thinking about Substance AbuseAddiction Hope is dedicated to providing timely and helpful information on the dangers of Substance Abuse as well as alcohol abuse.

Drugs are a chemical substance that can be used in the prevention, cure and treatment of an ailment or disease. Often, medications can be used to help an individual’s emotional and psychological well being, and they can enhance one’s physical abilities or well being.

Medicines can help heal a person or destroy a life. They can be naturally derived from plants or synthesized in some type of laboratory. A drug addiction can ruin a man or woman’s existence. It is disappointing that many of the medications that were originally developed to help heal people will be abused and devastate the life of someone with a substance abuse addiction.

Substance abuse is when a person begins using a drug in a way other than its intended use as prescribed by a doctor. A drug addiction can be created when a man or woman continually abuses drugs in order to get high (an intense euphoric feeling). Some drugs are so addictive that someone using for the first time can become instantly addicted.

When someone has developed a drug addiction, they can build up a tolerance to the drug and need more and more of the substance to have the same effect. The person will sometimes begin smoking, snorting, or injecting the drugs so as to reach a quicker and more intense high. This leads to constant repeated use and, thus, the creation of a drug addiction.

Substance abuse addiction is outstandingly difficult to quit. Often one substance is abused with other drugs or alcohol. Sadly and frequently, substance abuse co-occurs with other mental disorders such as mood disorders, mental disorders and eating disorders.

This adds to the complexities of stopping the drug abuse. However, it is imperative that the drug addiction is ended because constant substance abuse can be deadly. Heart attacks and strokes often occur. Some of the more common drug types include opioids (heroin, morphine, hydrocodone), hallucinogens (LSD, DXM, PCP), stimulants (cocaine, Ecstasy, meth), and depressants (alcohol, Quaaludes).

Please continue reading below to see our latest blog posts on substance abuse. Under the “Substance Abuse Navigation” menu, you can click on the drop-down arrow to see evergreen, general information on dozens of individual drugs, including prescription substances.

Barriers to Quality Addiction Treatment: Why So Many People Go Untreated

Every year, millions of people who need addiction treatment fail to receive care for this condition. Many treatment barriers prevent people from accessing life-saving addiction treatment, such as lack of insurance, high cost of rehab, stigma, and lack of specialized care in their area. Common Barriers to Drug and Alcohol Rehab Addiction treatment barriers may [...]
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Fentanyl Test Strips: Where to Get Them and How to Use Them

Fentanyl test strips (FTS) are a cheap, easy, and effective way to prevent a fentanyl overdose. Many people who use illicit drugs like heroin, cocaine, ecstasy (MDMA), and methamphetamine don't realize their drugs might be cut with the extremely potent and deadly opioid, fentanyl. However, taking a few minutes to use a fentanyl test strip [...]
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As Drug Use Among Adolescents Declines, Overdose Deaths See an Alarming Uptick

Nature Bridge in Forest Contributor: Staff at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center Drug use among adolescents has decreased, so why aren’t experts celebrating? Because more teens are dying from drug overdoses, and fentanyl is to blame [1]. What Is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that doctors usually prescribe to patients suffering from severe pain, such as those who [...]
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Opioid Misuse Higher Among LGBTQ+ People

Lady siting dealing with Co-Occurring Addiction Contributor: Staff at Starlite Recovery Center Given the severity of the opioid crisis in America, it is evident that opioid misuse is prevalent in a wide range of communities. Of those affected, the LGBTQ+ community is at a higher risk for opioid misuse due to the cumulative burden of minority discrimination that can lead to [...]
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