Barriers to Quality Addiction Treatment: Why So Many People Go Untreated

Every year, millions of people who need addiction treatment fail to receive care for this condition. Many treatment barriers prevent people from accessing life-saving addiction treatment, such as lack of insurance, high cost of rehab, stigma, and lack of specialized care in their area. Common Barriers to Drug and Alcohol Rehab Addiction treatment barriers may [...]
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Fentanyl Test Strips: Where to Get Them and How to Use Them

Fentanyl test strips (FTS) are a cheap, easy, and effective way to prevent a fentanyl overdose. Many people who use illicit drugs like heroin, cocaine, ecstasy (MDMA), and methamphetamine don't realize their drugs might be cut with the extremely potent and deadly opioid, fentanyl. However, taking a few minutes to use a fentanyl test strip [...]
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The Link Between Childhood Trauma & Addiction as an Adult

Woman sitting watching the sunset Contributor: Staff at Sierra Tucson For a person who has a traumatic past, the defining event may always be lingering in the back of their mind. Sometimes, the work to suppress trauma-related memories is more difficult than actually processing them. But even if we do everything in our power to work through painful moments and develop [...]
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As Drug Use Among Adolescents Declines, Overdose Deaths See an Alarming Uptick

Nature Bridge in Forest Contributor: Staff at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center Drug use among adolescents has decreased, so why aren’t experts celebrating? Because more teens are dying from drug overdoses, and fentanyl is to blame [1]. What Is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that doctors usually prescribe to patients suffering from severe pain, such as those who [...]
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