Darvocet Addiction, Statistics, Abuse, Symptoms & Side Effects

What is Darvocet?

Darvocet, a prescription medicine used to alleviate mild to moderate pain, contains the compounds propoxyphene and acetaminophen. Because it is a strong opioid pain medicine, a Darvocet addiction can quickly be developed which is why it is a federally controlled substance.

Belonging to the group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers, Darvocet functions by affecting how the brain perceives or sense pain. Within the United States, it is available in doses ranging from 30mg to 650 mg. Street names for the drug include “D”, “Yellow Footballs”, and “Dillies”.

Individuals who abuse it can chew, crush, inject or snort the drug in attempt to create a euphoric sensation, or “high”. While Darvocet can be used under medical supervision to ease physical withdrawal symptoms in opiate addicts, the use of the drug in itself can become addicting if taken outside the parameters of a prescription or for recreational purposes.

Abuse can lead to a range of psychological and physical side effects. Disruption of life can occur with a Darvocet addiction, which is why it is necessary to seek professional help to overcome it.

Darvocet Abuse Statistics

Since there are limited studies that presently exist in the literature about Darvocet, statistical information is not readily available. However, it is known that opiate type drugs, are increasingly accessed and abused by Americans nationwide. The following statistics also reveal the need for professional help to treat a Darvocet addiction:

  • Studies have shown that almost 35 million Americans have been admitted to the hospital for abusing drugs such as Darvocet at least once in their lifetime [need reference!]
  • According to the National survey on Drug use and Health, nearly 12 million Americans ages 12 and above were involved in drug abuse of a prescription pain reliever, such as Darvocet [1].

Causes of Darvocet Addiction

There are numerous factors that are can play a part in the development of a Darvocet addiction. Examples of these causes that can influence the abuse include biological, psychological, and social/environmental factors. Biological influences that may attribute to Darvocet addiction include a genetic component or a physical ailment that causes an individual to seek pain relief through drugs.

Psychological factors connected with Darvocet addiction include instances of neglect, underlying traumas, feelings of depression, and anxiety. In situations of intolerable emotions, feelings, or pain, it may be abused as a means of escaping these realities.

Social/environmental factors that can play a role in Darvocet addiction include cases of abuse within family, availability, and acceptability of the drug within a community, and pressure from peer groups. Examples of social/environmental factors that may be related to Darvocet addiction are conditions such as poverty, homelessness, or poor housing.

Because of the similarities a Darvocet addiction has with other addictive diseases, it can be co-occurring with substance abuse or eating disorders. The nature of addictive diseases is influenced by several factors, and it is likely that that men or women who struggle with a Darvocet addiction may also struggle with other forms of addictions.

Signs and Symptoms of Darvocet Addiction

In the case that an individual is abusing Darvocet, numerous signs and symptoms will be evident. While not all individuals who are addicted to Darvocet will exhibit the same signs, you might notice some of these symptoms. The following are some of the signs and symptoms that may occur as a result of abuse:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of the face, lips, throat, and tongue
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea
  • Seizures
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches, blurred vision
  • Skin rashes, itching
  • Jaundice
  • Unusual thoughts or behaviors

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these side effects as a result from abusing, it is important that you seek help as soon as possible.

Darvocet Effects

A Darvocet addiction can result in numerous short and long-term consequences on the abuser. These consequences can impact a man or woman physically, psychologically, and socially. The following are ways that it can impact the many facets of a user’s life:

Physical Effects - The abuse of the drug Darvocet can physically impair the natural behaviors of the body by hindering with various mechanisms. Here are some negative physical consequences resulting from using the drug:

  • Dizziness or lack of stability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dry mouth
  • Compromised mental function
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Liver damage
  • Death due to accidental overdose

Psychological Effects - Abusing Darvocet can also result in destructive consequences on mental health. Here are some negative psychological and mental effects from abusing:

  • Altered perception of reality
  • Personality shifts
  • Low self-esteem, negative body image
  • Feelings of anger, rage
  • Increased anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Confusion, disorientation
  • Paranoia

Social Effects - The abuse of Darvocet can destroy a man or woman’s social life. Social ramifications of a Darvocet addiction include:

  • Withdrawal, isolation from friends and family
  • Disinterest in once enjoyed activities
  • Damaged relationships with loved ones
  • Division within a family unit

Darvocet Withdrawal

If a man or woman addicted should suddenly stop using the drug, severe withdrawal symptoms could occur as the body has come to need Darvocet to function. The following are some of the symptoms that might be experienced by an abuser should the drug be discontinued:

  • Aches and Pans
  • Shakiness
  • Sweating
  • Physical craving
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Abnormal skin sensations such as “crawling” skin
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Restless leg syndrome

Darvocet Treatment and Help

A Darvocet addiction is a detrimental sickness that can inflict your life with many negative consequences. If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction, the first step towards overcoming this is by recognizing the severity of the problem. Having the help from a professional treatment team is important to dealing with the complications that may have resulted from Darvocet abuse.

An addiction can be overwhelming and devastating to deal with, but with the numerous resources available, you do not have to be alone. Getting the help you need at a licensed Darvocet rehab center will give you the tools you need to overcome this addiction.

Other Articles About Darvocet


[1]: National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2008. http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/SAMHDA/studies/26701
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on October 20, 2018
Published on AddictionHope.com, Directory of Addiction Treatment Guides