Calendar of Events for Addiction Hope

2020 Calendar

Addiction Hope Calendar 2020

September 2020

NAADAC 2020 Conference BannerSeptember 24-26: NAADAC Virtual 2020 Annual Conference: Learn, Connect, Succeed
Details: Join addiction-focused professionals for three days of live keynote sessions, 20 breakout sessions, a virtual Town Hall, a virtual exhibit hall, networking opportunities, and so much more with thought leaders in the addiction profession! Earn up to 28 CEs!

We asked you to let us know how we can create a conference that will promote learning, networking, and community while keeping everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. We heard you and not only have we decided to move the NAADAC 2020 Annual Conference to a virtual format, but we have also revamped our entire conference lineup to provide you with the information you need to serve your clients during this critical time.

This year's conference will feature training in these five subject tracks:

  • Cultural Humility & Social Responsibility
  • Advanced Addiction Treatment Skills
  • Peer Recovery Support
  • Telecounseling and Other Uses of Technology
  • Trauma-Related Care

Can't make a session? Catch it on-demand at your convenience! All registrants will have access to all sessions on-demand through January 31, 2021!

Time: TBD
Location: Online
More information: