Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Director of Content and Social Media at Addiction Hope
Drug addiction results in many challenging and overwhelming consequences, some of them are incredibly difficult to recover from. While there are obvious physical and mental health issues that result from drug addiction, there are also other consequences with serious implications, such as damage to relationships, career, and finances.
Addressing the physical and mental health issues are typically the highest priority when in treatment for substance abuse addiction; however, learning how to navigate through and recover from financial losses that have occurred as a result of addiction are also important for a person as a whole.
How Financial Debts Develop
Under the throes of an addiction to drugs or alcohol, there is no doubt that a person’s cognition and rationality is compromised. When under the influence, or in the desperation to achieve another high, a person may be willing to make brash and unrealistic decisions, many that have long term consequences.
This is often seen with a person’s finances. In the moment, it may seem harmless to take out savings, borrow money, or sell something valuable in order to finance an addiction. It is not uncommon for addicts to make more drastic financial decisions, such as taking out a second mortgage on a home, or maxing out a credit card.
When controlled by an addiction, there is really no limit to what a person might do in order to acquire the resources need to fund their addiction. Even after healing physically, emotionally, and mentally from a drug addiction, the financial consequences from an addiction may last for years.
Recovering From Financial Loss
While the consequences of financial debt incurred from an addiction can feel overwhelming to face, know that you can get through this. The first and most important step is get professional help and treatment for the addiction.
If an addiction is still rampant, and you are trying to work through financial loss, this is very much like dealing with the symptom and not the problem. Making your health a priority is a necessary step before working on your finances.
As you go through addiction recovery, you can begin to slowly pay back debts that resulted from addiction. You may consider working with a financial advisor who can help you assess your financial debt, as well as develop an effective plan for paying off debt and rebuilding savings.
While this process may feel impossible, know that you do not have to do this alone. Working with professionals for your addiction recovery can help you rebuild your life one step at a time.
Community Discussion – Share Your Thoughts Here!
How have you dealt with debt incurred as a result of addiction?
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We at Addiction Hope understand that addictions result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, please know that there is hope for you, and seek immediate professional help.
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on February 22, 2017.
Published on AddictionHope.com