Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope
As a college student, the struggle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol can create many complicated issues and consequences. Whether your addiction developed prior to attending college, during your time as a college student, or if you have suffered a relapse from your recovery, having immediate access to the treatment resources you need is essential to protecting your life and recovery efforts. Being a college student does not mean that recovery from addiction gets put on hold.
On the contrary, it is essential to prioritize recovery and focus your attention on maintaining your sobriety.
A Rehab Center May Be Necessary
Depending on the severity of your addiction and where you might be in the recovery process, it may be necessary for you to maintain your treatment efforts through the support of a rehabilitation center for drug and alcohol addiction.
There are multiple levels of care for addiction, including:
- Inpatient
- Residential care
- Partial hospitalization
- Intensive outpatient
- Outpatient treatment
It is possible to continue attending college while receiving treatment for addiction at less acute levels of care, such as intensive outpatient and outpatient treatment.
Getting Assessed to Determine Your Needs
To determine what level of care is most appropriate for you, it is important to be assessed by a health care professional who specializes in addiction. It is crucial to know what type of treatment will be most effective for addressing the symptoms and problems you may be experiencing.
If a specialist determines that outpatient rehabilitation and addiction treatment is suitable for your needs, you can begin working to find a center that offers this form of treatment close to your college campus.
Finding a Rehabilitation Center
Consider searching on the Addiction Hope Directory, which outlines options for rehab treatment centers in various states and locations. You might also consider utilizing resources available on your college campuses.
Some campuses have connections with rehabilitation facilities within the community as well as support groups that can help support your recovery journey from addiction. Be sure to follow the guidance and recommendations of a health care professional specializing in addiction.
Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!
Are you a college student in recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol? What treatment resources have been helpful to you and have allowed you to continue working on your recovery while attending college?
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on August 8th, 2015
Published on AddictionHope.com