Treatment for Tranquilizer Abuse and Addiction

Do You or Someone You Love Need Treatment for a Tranquilizer Addiction?

Are you or a loved one struggling with an addiction to tranquilizers?  If so, you may feel overwhelmed by the physical, emotional, or psychological consequences that may have resulted from this addiction, such as declining health, increased anxiety or depression, or an altered perception of reality.  If you are reached the point where help is desired, you can take the next steps towards recovery by confronting the addiction firsthand.  While an accredited tranquilizer rehabilitation center can be a fundamental tool through the recovery process, it is necessary to take the first step towards receiving help by recognizing the problem.  Certain signs and symptoms of tranquilizers abuse will be indicators that professional help is needed, such as physical complications or emotional disturbances.  It is also important to be aware of other co-occurring disorders that may be present as well, such as an eating disorder or mood disorder.  It is not uncommon for multiple issues to exist, as they are usually related to similar core issues.  In seeking treatment, it would be important to identify and treat any and all issues that may be involved with the addiction.  Though the journey towards recovery from tranquilizers is both difficult and challenging, having the help of a specialized treatment facility can offer the support needed for the healing process.

Tranquilizer Addiction Rehab Centers

At Addiction Hope, we understand how confusing the process of finding a reliable treatment center for tranquilizers can be.  For this reason, we have established a directory with carefully compiled tranquilizers rehabilitation centers.  Please utilize this helpful tool when deciding on a treatment center for overcoming a tranquilizer addiction that would be best suited for you and your unique needs.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming
California Oregon Nevada Washington Texas Idaho Arizona Utah Montana Wyoming North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Louisiana Arkansas Iowa Mississippi Missouri Minnesota Maine New York Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania West Virginia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Illinois Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Colorado New Mexico Alaska Hawaii New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland

Treatment Plan for a Tranquilizer Addiction

A multi-faceted treatment plan will include a tranquilizer addiction treatment center, a qualified therapist, and supportive friends and family.  This will be the core of an effective treatment plan that will be vital for the addict overcoming a tranquilizer dependency.

  • Seek your loved ones - The role in healing that your friends and family can participate in is significant. They are an important component in the tranquilizers addiction recovery process.
  • See a licensed therapist - A licensed therapist provides the personal interaction that can help beat the tranquilizer addiction and develop a tailored rehab plan. They will assist in gathering additional resources and entering a tranquilizer treatment center.
  • Tranquilizer detoxification program - A tranquilizer detoxification program will boost the ability to successfully beat a tranquilizer addiction. It will also help in dealing with any additional co-occurring disorders or addictions.
  • Support group - A support group can provide accountability and guidance which is important. They will provide assistance when facing the trials of preventing a relapse. They will be important in assisting to continue abstinence.

Tranquilizers Addiction Treatment Levels

The primary level of treatment needed for recovery will be determined by the severity of the drug use along with the consideration of other disorders.  The following are the most common levels of tranquilizer treatment for addiction, in order of acuteness:

  • Inpatient Level of Care - Patients at this level of care are hospitalized 24 / 7 in acute care. Inpatient hospital staff’s goal is to stabilize patients as quickly as possible to allow them to function in a lower level of care.
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) - This type of outpatient program offers group and individual services and assistance, and it does not rely on detoxification. It allows the addict to continue in some of their normal daily activities such as work, and then they can participate in a program either early in the morning or later in the evening.
  • Outpatient Care - Outpatient programs are similar to IOPs but not as concentrated. Group sessions and individual therapy are still incorporated, while there are fewer restraints on personal movement.
  • Support Groups - Support groups fill a valuable role in overcoming an addiction. They provide accountability and understanding as the members have all gone through similar situations.

Types of Treatment for Tranquilizers Abuse

A two-step based plan can be used to effectively treat a tranquilizers addiction.  This includes medication to help a man or woman wean off the drug safely and psychological counseling to address any underlying causes associated with the addiction, such as an unresolved trauma.  Medical detoxification process is used in an attempt to bypass the major side effects of withdrawal, as some symptoms may be severe.  To safely withdraw from tranquilizers, doctors may prescribe an initial dosage of the drug to the patient to sufficiently hold off the symptoms.  This dosage will be reduced gradually over a period of time to give the body sufficient time to adjust.  Some individuals may need to use medication to avert withdrawal effect during the most intense stages.   The alternative drug that is used to help an individual wean is usually another tranquilizer, with this type of monitoring done in an impatient facility.

Types of Therapy for Tranquilizers Addiction

Medications are one of the main aspects of the detox process from tranquilizers but are even more effective in when done in coordination with behavioral therapies.  By focusing on healing from the underlying issues that may have influenced the progression of the addiction, behavioral therapies are helpful in identifying and treating the root cause of the addiction. The following are common types of behavioral therapies used alongside medicinal treatments for a tranquilizers addiction:

  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) - This rehabilitation type pays attention to the interpersonal relationships and cultural roles using concise supportive analysis and works to assist patient’s to uncover better tools to address problems and issues that currently exist. IPT has four main elements which are relationship shortcomings, unresolved grief, role disputes, and role changes.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - This category of rehabilitation is designed to work on a patient’s maladaptive ways of thinking as a way influencing their behavior with an approach that is more positive. This also assists the patient in developing coping skills that replace negative skills with positive ones.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) - DBT uses the standard behavioral therapies like CBT and IPT for emotion regulation. It introduces mindful awareness and stress management components into the therapy.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - This type of cognitive behavioral treatment uses mindfulness and acceptance approaches mixed in multiple ways with strategies of commitment and behavior-change. This should enhance the emotional and mental flexibility.
  • Supportive Programs - This type of therapy includes 12 step programs such as Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Family therapy, group therapy, support groups, etc. are some additional examples of supportive programs.

The journey to recovery from a tranquilizer addiction is a difficult process to endure.  Regardless of the length of time your recovery journey may take, remember that you are doing what is necessary to regain your life.  You are worthy of recovery and freedom, and there is nothing more valuable than your own life and wellness.  At Addiction Hope, we believe that recovery can be possible for anyone, no matter how improbably the outcome may seem.  We encourage you to take the first step towards recovery by accessing our resources to find a tranquilizer treatment facility today.

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on April 15th, 2013
Published on, Online Drug Abuse Help