Do You or Someone you Love Need Methadone Treatment?
Are you or a loved one struggling with an addiction to methadone? Perhaps you have experienced first-hand the devastating consequences and effects that come with a methadone addiction and are ready to take the step towards recovery. Once you have identified the problem at hand, you have taken the first and most important step towards recovery from a methadone addiction. Are you unsure whether or not you are addicted to methadone? Addiction to methadone is recognizable by several signs and symptoms. Men and women who abuse methadone will exhibit certain behaviors or signs, such as increased isolation and withdrawal, mood swings or personality shifts, and physical complications. Other considerations about a methadone addiction to be aware of when seeking methadone treatment are the existence of underlying issues that may have influenced the development of the behavior in the first place. It is common that the addiction co-occurs with other problematic disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or eating disorders.
A methadone addiction has a complex nature, but it is possible to work through each step of the recovery process with the professional support of a treatment facility for methadone addiction. Though the road to recovery from any addiction is intense, difficult, and challenging, it is the ultimate path to freedom, healing, and wholeness. While the journey is long, and at times feels never-ending, having the support of a methadone rehabilitation program can make all the difference in overcoming any obstacles along the way.
Methadone Rehab Centers
Addiction Hope has carefully compiled and created a list of the top methadone addiction rehabilitation centers from across the country into this directory. If you are looking for methadone treatment, these resources will be helpful to you as you consider your decision about working with a treatment program.

Treatment Plan for a Methadone Addiction
There will be several aspects of your recovery plan that will help you effectively overcome your methadone addiction. This will involve a methadone addiction treatment center, a qualified counselor or therapist, and the support from family and friends. Together, these will serve as the center core for your recovery process.
- Seek your loved ones - The role in healing that your friends and family can participate in is significant. They are an important component in the tranquilizers addiction recovery process.
- Licensed counselor - A licensed counselor will be able to create a personalized Methadone treatment program. They are also important in making the arrangements to enter a Methadone treatment facility.
- Search for a Methadone treatment facility - A Methadone detox program will assist with working through any physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms that arise. It will also assist in addressing any ongoing co-occurring issues.
- Engage in support groups and ongoing therapy - Joining a support group will help contribute to the success of beating an addiction. Ongoing therapy and support groups will help in dealing with the urges to slip back into an addiction. Their participation is vital and cannot be underestimated.
Methadone Addiction Treatment Levels
Methadone addiction recovery treatment is determined by the severity of the addiction and the involvement of any co-occurring disorders. The following are the most common levels of treatment for methadone addiction, in order of acuity:
- Inpatient Level of Care - Patients at this level of care are hospitalized 24 / 7 in acute care. Inpatient hospital staff’s goal is to stabilize patients as quickly as possible to allow them to function in a lower level of care.
- Residential Center (RTC) - This type of care generally involves a stay for at least 30 days and can be extended for up to 90 days. These centers will generally operate holistically and address the multiple needs of the patient.
- Partial Hospitalization Level of Care (PHP) - This level of care is conducted in a residential center or hospital and incorporates group and individual therapies. The program runs five days a week either all morning, all afternoon, or all day.
- Intensive Outpatient Treatment Level (IOP) - This level of outpatient care provides intense assistance and individual services but does not use detoxification. It allows the user to participate either in morning or afternoon sessions while continuing some every day functions.
- Outpatient Care - Outpatient programs are similar to IOPs but not as concentrated. Group sessions and individual therapy are still incorporated, while there are fewer restraints on personal movement.
- Support Groups - Support groups fill a valuable role in overcoming an addiction. They provide accountability and understanding as the members have all gone through similar situations.
Types of Treatment for Methadone Abuse
In order to effectively target a methadone drug addiction, it is important to use a treatment that addresses both physical and psychological concerns. Referred to as a two-fold plan, this treatment approach for a methadone addiction is typically two-fold: Medication based treatment to help a man or woman wean off the drug, and behavioral treatment to address the underlying causes and triggers of the addiction. Medical detox is the process of using medications in attempt to advert withdrawal side-effects. Since methadone is a drug typically used in the medical detoxification process for heroin and other illicit drugs, methadone is typically tapered off in smaller increments to lessen the effects from withdrawal. The following are examples of the types of medications that may be used to assist the detoxification process from methadone:
- Naltrexone - This treatment works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain and has potential for abuse.
- Nalaxone - Counters the effects of methadone overdose; used to reverse opioid overdose.
Types of Therapy for Methadone Addiction
While medications will help lessen the discomfort felt from withdrawal from methadone, they do not treat the core of the drug addiction. Behavioral therapies are a necessary part of methadone treatment because it helps focus on addressing the core issue. Behavioral therapies are purposed to work through any underlying issues that may have influenced the progression of the addiction. The following are common types of behavioral therapies used alongside medicinal forms of treatment regimens for methadone addiction:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - This category of rehabilitation is designed to work on a patient’s maladaptive ways of thinking as a way influencing their behavior with an approach that is more positive. This also assists the patient in developing coping skills that replace negative skills with positive ones.
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - ACT is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that implements commitment and behavior-change strategies by combining acceptance and mindfulness strategies in several different ways. This should enhance the patient’s emotional and mental flexibility.
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) - This level of rehab integrates the common behavioral therapy components of IBT and CBT for the regulation of emotions. The introduction of stress management and mindful awareness are key for this therapy
- Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) - The level of therapy provided by IPT centers upon the interpersonal connections and community functions utilizing brief supportive treatment and also tries to assist the person to better resolve existing situations and troubles. The four main parts acknowledged by IPT are role changes, relationship shortcomings, unresolved grief, and role disputes.
- Supportive Programs - Groups much like the 12 step programs Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are included in this type of treatment. Other support structures like group therapy, support groups, family therapy, etc. are also part of this group.
The path to recovery from methadone will be a challenging experience, but remember that this journey will lead to the hope of finding freedom from the destructive cycle of addiction. Though your treatment for a methadone addiction may continue for an extended period of time, it is invaluable because it will help you or your loved one regain your life, regardless of the length of time it takes. By realizing that there is nothing more precious than your own life and wellness, you will find the strength you need to fight for your recovery and freedom. At Addiction Hope, we firmly believe that recovery is possible for anyone who might be struggling with an addiction, no matter how impossible it may appear. We encourage you to take the first steps towards recovery by accessing our resources to a methadone treatment center. It is never too soon or too late to step onto the road to recovery.
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on April 15th, 2013
Published on, Directory of Treatment Information