Treatment for Ketamine Abuse and Addiction

Do You or Someone You Love Need Ketamine Treatment?

Abusing ketamine and developing an addiction is a difficult thing to overcome. Although developing a physical addiction may not be substantial, the odds of developing a psychological addiction are. Like any addiction, a ketamine addiction begins to rule the person’s life. The user begins to believe that normal life cannot exist without it. There are several signs and symptoms exhibited by someone abusing ketamine. Indicators like amnesia, memory loss, urinary tract infections, speech impairment, and depression can help determine that help is needed from a ketamine treatment center. If the addiction continues, then long term effects such as speech impairment, brain damage, schizophrenic-like behavior, irretrievable memory loss and even death can occur. A disease like ketamine addiction can affect any man or woman, racial group, age group and socio-economic group.

There are serious consequences to abusing ketamine. The need for help is immense. It is difficult to make the decision to stop abusing ketamine. The decision requires the commitment and perseverance to walk a difficult path, but it can be done with the help of loved ones, a therapist, and a ketamine addiction center.

If you are caught in a ketamine addiction, take the first and most difficult step, and admit there is a problem. Once you have come to the realization that you need help, ask for it. Seek help not only from your friends and family, but find a trained therapist, a ketamine detox center and a support group. This will constitute your recovery team. They will help you succeed in beating the ketamine addiction. If you know someone who is caught in a ketamine addition, reach out to them in a gentle and caring way. Remember that the person who is addicted is not in control of their actions. The ketamine is in control. Help the person get into a ketamine treatment facility so they can get the professional assistance they need to heal.

Ketamine Rehab Centers Directory

In order to help you or your loved one find help, Addiction Hope has thoroughly reviewed these ketamine treatment programs and included them in this directory. This resource can help you navigate through the various ketamine rehab center choices when considering the available ketamine rehabilitation options for this important decision. We understand the importance of working with an all-inclusive and accredited ketamine addiction detox program to help in the road to recovery.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming
California Oregon Nevada Washington Texas Idaho Arizona Utah Montana Wyoming North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Louisiana Arkansas Iowa Mississippi Missouri Minnesota Maine New York Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania West Virginia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Illinois Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Colorado New Mexico Alaska Hawaii New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland

Treatment Plan for Ketamine Addiction

There is treatment for someone addicted to ketamine. The person needs to reach out to their loved ones and search for professional assistance from a ketamine treatment program, a therapist and a support group. All of these people will be involved in a successful recovery.

  • Loved ones will help - Conquering the ketamine addiction will require the help of loved ones. They play an important role in the treatment process.
  • See a licensed counselor - Getting through a ketamine addiction requires a licensed counselor who can help create a personalized ketamine detoxification plan. Additional resources that are needed for recovery can also be provided by the counselor.
  • Enroll in a ketamine treatment facility - It is important that a ketamine addiction center be involved in defeating a psychological addiction. The treatment center will also help with healing any physical and mental damage that has taken place.
  • Find and attend a support group - Ongoing support will help in relapse prevention into using ketamine. Many people in support groups have already overcome a ketamine addiction. They can help avoid the pitfalls of relapsing.

Treatment Levels for Ketamine Addiction

It is hard to beat a ketamine addiction. It requires the expertise of a ketamine treatment center to completely treat the addiction. Frequently, other serious disorders such as additional substance abuse, eating disorders or mood disorders will co-occur with a ketamine addiction. While residential treatment centers, inpatient, partial hospitalization programs are available, they are not required to address a ketamine addiction by itself; these high levels of care are used when co-occurring disorders are present. The more commonly used treatment levels can include:

  • Outpatient care - Outpatient programs are like the IOPs but less strenuous. Group sessions and individual therapy are still used, but fewer restraints are placed on individual movement.
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) - Ketamine intensive outpatient programs offer group and individual services and assistance, and the reliance on detoxification is not required. The ketamine user can continue with some aspects of their normal daily activities such as work, and then they can participate in a program either early in the morning or later in the evening.
  • Support groups - Support groups include people who have been through a ketamine addiction program and can help with ways to circumvent the pitfalls of relapsing. They can assist with providing support and accountability.

Types of Therapy for Ketamine Addiction Treatment

Ketamine dependence is primarily a psychological addiction. Therefore, there are no medical based treatments to assist in recovery. A proven successful way to beat a ketamine addiction is to employ multiple modes of therapies. A good ketamine addiction detox program will integrate different parts of different behavioral therapies so the emotional and psychological needs of the user can be addressed.

  • Supportive Programs - Programs like a 12 step program great success in helping overcome addictions. It also includes support groups, group therapy, family therapy, etc.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - CBT is a ketamine treatment therapy that addresses maladaptive thinking patterns in order to affect the patient’s behavior in a more positive manner. It also helps the patient replace negative coping skills with positive coping skills.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) - DBT introduces mindful awareness and stress management components into the standard behavioral therapies like CBT.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - ACT is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies combined in various ways with commitment and behavior-change strategies, to increase mental and emotional flexibility.
  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) - IPT concentrates on the interpersonal relations and social roles using a short-term supportive psychotherapy. IPT tries to help patients find better ways to handle and deal with existing issues or problems. There are four basic areas identified by IPT. They are unresolved grief, role disputes, role changes, and relationship shortcomings.

The path to overcoming a ketamine addiction is hard, but healing is available and within reach. Commitment, time, energy, dedication and sacrifice will be needed to succeed. If someone one needs help, reach out to them, and help them to find a trusted professional and a ketamine addiction treatment center and let the healing begin.

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on April 15th, 2013
Published on, Online Guide for Abuse Help