Treatment for Fentanyl Abuse and Addiction

Do You or Someone You Love Need Treatment for a Fentanyl Addiction?

An addiction to Fentanyl is not something to be taken lightly, as this dangerous lifestyle leads to many consequences. If you or your loved one has been experiencing the damaging outcomes from a Fentanyl addiction, you may understand the harsh reality of substance abuse.   Going through the problems that come along with addiction has possibly discouraged you from believing that you can turn your life around. There is hope for addiction recovery from Fentanyl, regardless of how dire your situation may seem. Recognizing the warning signs of an addiction to Fentanyl can help you grasp the seriousness of your struggle. You may find that your health is rapidly declining as a result of a Fentanyl addiction or that your relationships have become strained. You may even find that you are dealing with increased anxiety, depression, or other mood shifts. Unresolved psychological issues or trauma can connect these diseases with a common cause. These outcomes result from an addiction to Fentanyl, and you can heal from these issues with the right help and treatment.

Fentanyl Addiction Rehab Centers

Finding a rehabilitation center for Fentanyl can be a daunting task. To help make things easier for you in this process, Addiction Hope has put together this directory of resources that have been carefully screened and approved. This directory can serve as a guide to help assist you in your decision process.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming
California Oregon Nevada Washington Texas Idaho Arizona Utah Montana Wyoming North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Louisiana Arkansas Iowa Mississippi Missouri Minnesota Maine New York Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania West Virginia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Illinois Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Colorado New Mexico Alaska Hawaii New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland

Treatment Plan for a Fentanyl Addiction

Putting together an effective treatment plan for your recovery from a Fentanyl addiction will involve many different aspects, including gathering the support of your family and loved ones. The right treatment center will also play an important role in your healing process, as will the guidance of a specialized addiction therapist or counselor.

  • Seek your loved ones - The role in healing that your friends and family can participate in is significant. They are an important component in the Fentanyl addiction recovery process.
  • Find a therapist - A therapist who specializes in Fentanyl addiction will be able to create an individualized Fentanyl detox plan. They will also help find and provide the resources needed for recovery.
  • Find a Fentanyl rehabilitation program - A Fentanyl treatment program will provide support in dealing with any physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Additional co-occurring addictions or disorders that may exist will also be evaluated.
  • Engage in support groups and ongoing therapy - Joining a support group will help contribute to the success of beating an addiction. Ongoing therapy and support groups will help in dealing with the urges to slip back into an addiction. Their participation is vital and cannot be underestimated.

Fentanyl Addiction Treatment Levels

Varying degrees of treatment are available for recovery from a Fentanyl addiction. Your treatment team will evaluate you to determine what type of care you need as you begin your journey. Each treatment level focuses on the medical and psychological needs you may have and can include the following:

  • Inpatient Level of Care - Patients at this level of care are hospitalized 24 / 7 in acute care. Inpatient hospital staff’s goal is to stabilize patients as quickly as possible to allow them to function in a lower level of care.
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment Level (IOP) - This level of outpatient care provides intense assistance and individual services but does not use detoxification. It allows the user to participate either in morning or afternoon sessions while continuing some every day functions.
  • Outpatient Level of Care - This level of outpatient care is much like an IOP but not as intense. There are fewer individual limits placed on the patient, but personal treatment and group sessions are still applied.
  • Support Groups - Support groups fill a valuable role in overcoming an addiction. They provide accountability and understanding as the members have all gone through similar situations.

Types of Treatment for Fentanyl Abuse

Treatment for a Fentanyl addiction involves ways to control and stabilize health concerns while focusing on underlying psychological issues. Treatment plans will typically involve the use of prescription medications under the discretion of a physician to aid in the management of detoxification side effects. Some individuals may need to use medication to avert withdrawal effects during the most intense stages of drug weaning. Your treatment team may decide to involve the use of some of these medications:

  • Naltrexone - The opioid receptors of the brain are restricted by the drug. Abuse of the drug is possible.
  • Nalaxone - Counters the outcome of Fentanyl overdose. It is used to reverse opioid overdose.
  • Methadone - It is used as an effective treatment for Fentanyl dependence. This medication assists patients in making the transition towards abstinence by mimicking some of Fentanyl actions.

Types of Therapy for Fentanyl Addiction

Medications are helpful in managing physical symptoms, and psychotherapy is useful for teaching behavior modification. Behavioral therapies also work to help a person heal from pastime issues that have impacted emotional well being. There are many different approaches that can be taken with psychotherapy, and a counselor may integrate these following methods during treatment:

  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) - This rehabilitation type pays attention to the interpersonal relationships and cultural roles using concise supportive analysis and works to assist patient’s to uncover better tools to address problems and issues that currently exist. IPT has four main elements which are relationship shortcomings, unresolved grief, role disputes, and role changes.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - CBT is a treatment therapy that addresses maladaptive thinking patterns in order to affect the patient’s behavior in a more positive manner. It also helps the patient replace negative coping skills with positive coping skills.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) - This type of therapy incorporates CBT and IPT behavioral therapies the patient can learn to control their emotions. It combines the stress management and mindful awareness parts of the therapies into the DBT therapy.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - This type of cognitive behavioral treatment uses mindfulness and acceptance approaches mixed in multiple ways with strategies of commitment and behavior-change. This should enhance the emotional and mental flexibility.
  • Supportive Programs - Supportive Programs - This type of therapy includes 12 step programs such as Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Family therapy, group therapy, support groups, etc. are some additional examples of supportive programs.

As you begin to challenge the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that have been ruled by your addiction, you will find that changing your lifestyle is not easy. Challenging your addiction to Fentanyl is crucial for gaining your life back and finding freedom from what has held you captive for so long. Imagine the possibilities you can have when you life is no longer dictated by a drug addiction. Though your recovery process will be marked by painful days, remember that you have what is necessary for overcoming this addiction. We believe that your life is valuable and worth fighting for! It is our hope that this website can serve as a helpful resource to your recovery process.

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on May 14, 2014
Published on,  Help Guide for Drug Addictions