Do You or Someone You Love Need Treatment for an Darvon Addiction?
The battle against an addiction to Darvon is a scary reality that must be faced. Many consequences result from a Darvon addiction that can impact every area of your life, including your physical well-being, your emotional steadiness, financial stability, relationships, and more. As you have struggled against an addiction to Darvon, it is likely that you have paid many costs in this ferocious fight. If you have a desire to reach a place of recovery from a Darvon addiction, you must begin at a place where you are open to receiving help and willing to exposure your struggles. Are you unsure that you have an addiction to Darvon? Identifying common signs and symptoms that are noticeable in the case of a Darvon addiction will help you better understand what you are facing. It is also possible that other concerning disorders may exist alongside an addiction to Darvon, including mood disruptions, severe anxiety, or an eating disorder.
A Darvon addiction can be best addressed with the backing and help of a professional treatment team and Darvon rehabilitation center. You may feel overwhelmed in what you are facing with your current addiction and lifestyle, but have hope in knowing that you are headed in the right direction by seeking the professional help you need.
Darvon Addiction Rehab Centers
As you begin the process of searching for the treatment you need to heal from your Darvon addiction, you may feel confused about where to start. To help simplify the process, Addiction Hope has thoroughly designed this directory, which can guide you through the decision process of finding treatment that will make the best fit for you.
Getting Help for a Darvon Addiction
One of the most challenging steps in your recovery journey may be the process of coming clean with your addiction and asking for the help you need. Being stuck in the whirlwind of a Darvon addiction may have you in denial about the reality of your situation. It will not be possible to receive the help you need if you cannot be open about your struggles and receptive to others who may be willing to see you through your recovery. In the same way, if you have a loved one who is stuck in an addiction to Darvon, reach out to them in gentleness and love. Though it is not easy in confronting the people we care about, your expressions could make all the difference.
With your addiction no longer in hiding and with the support of loved ones in your life, you can begin moving forward with the treatment phase of your recovery. This will begin by establishing a plan under the guidance of addiction professionals, who can assist you through the various stages of recovery form a Darvon addiction. Health professionals who specialize in addiction recovery will have the knowledge and resources needed to support your journey.
Darvon Addiction Treatment Levels
With many different levels of treatment available for a Darvon addiction, you may wonder where to begin. After a careful assessment by your treatment team, an appropriate level of care can be recommended for you. These treatment levels are customary for a Darvon addiction, and you may transition through each phase depending on your condition:
- Inpatient Level of Care - Patients at this level of care are hospitalized 24 / 7 in acute care. Inpatient hospital staff’s goal is to stabilize patients as quickly as possible to allow them to function in a lower level of care.
- Intensive Outpatient Treatment Level (IOP) - This level of outpatient care provides intense assistance and individual services but does not use detoxification. It allows the user to participate either in morning or afternoon sessions while continuing some every day functions.
- Treatment with Support Groups - This type of treatment is important as the members help alleviate the trials of relapsing. The group can supply much needed care and compassion on the road to recovery.
It is vital to the success of your recovery that your treatment is suitable for addressing your needs. Progressing through levels of care will help ensure that ongoing support is established for you as you recover from your addiction.
Types of Treatment for Darvon Abuse
A Darvon addiction is confronted with multiple tools and resources. This helps address the complexity of the addiction and make certain that the healing process is thorough and complete. One aspect of the healing phase from a Darvon addiction is the use of prescription medications under the supervision of a physician. In the onset of your recovery, you will likely be weaned from Darvon in order to detoxify from the drug. This process should carefully proceed under your treatment team, as many side effects from detoxification can result. Medications are often used to help alleviate many of the uncomfortable symptoms that can take place in the withdrawal process and include the following:
- Methadone - It is a successful part of Darvon dependence treatment. The imitation effect of Darvon helps the patient maintain abstinence.
- Buprenorphine - This drug and Methadone are comparable. The withdrawal symptoms and the associated acute pains can be reduced.
- Naltrexone - The opioid receptors in the brain are blocked. It does have abuse possibilities.
- Nalaxone - The results of Darvon overdose are halted and reversed. The effects of an opioid overdose are reversed.
Types of Therapy for Darvon Addiction
Another important feature of the recovery process from an addiction to Darvon includes behavioral therapy and modifications. Behavioral therapy is an effective tool for dealing with unsolved issues or traumas that may be feeding the addiction. Forms of psychotherapy are also helpful for teaching an individual emotional regulation and how to build positive coping mechanisms. When used in combination with medicinal therapies, these modules can help build a successful outcome for addiction recovery:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - This type of therapy deals with maladaptive patterns of thought in an effort to influence the patient’s conduct with a more constructive approach. It in turn aids the person in replacing unconstructive coping skills with more constructive ones.
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - This type of cognitive behavioral treatment uses mindfulness and acceptance approaches mixed in multiple ways with strategies of commitment and behavior-change. This should enhance the emotional and mental flexibility.
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) - DBT uses the standard behavioral therapies like CBT and IPT for emotion regulation. It introduces mindful awareness and stress management components into the therapy.
- Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) - This type of therapy focuses on the interpersonal relations and societal functions using an encouraging and short-term psychotherapy while trying to help the patient find more effective ways of handling current crisis’ and concerns. IPT identifies role disputes, unresolved grief, relationship shortcomings, and role changes as the four basic areas.
- Supportive Programs - This includes groups such as the 12 step model similar to Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It also consists of group therapy, support groups, family therapy, etc.
You will confront many obstacles along your journey of recovery, but do not let that dampen your hopes of discovering freedom from your addiction to Darvon. There will be much effort, time, and resources put in to your healing process, and this dedication will give you the ability you need to find peace in your life and restoration from an addiction. Our team at Addiction Hope firmly believes that recovery is achievable for you! We hope that you can access the resources found on this site to make the first step towards recovery a bit easier and to secure your path on this journey.
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on May 12, 2014
Published on, Substance Abuse Information