Treatment for Ativan Abuse and Addiction

Do You or Someone You Love Need Ativan Treatment?

An addiction to Ativan (Lorazepam is its' clinical name) is a difficult disease.  It can affect the user's social, familial, work and financial areas of life.  Because it is so widely prescribed, this addiction finds its way into the lives of the rich and poor, male and female, educated and uneducated, young and old.  Ativan addiction can be triggered by a mere prescription that makes you feel good.  This sense of well-being makes the user want more of the drug and can lead the user down a path of deception.  Deceptions with the user's doctor(s), with his or her friends and family, and within his or her workplace detrimentally affect the addict's life.  Ativan is in the benzodiazepine family.  It is prescribed for the treatment of acute anxiety, insomnia, and seizures, to name a few.  The side effects are a hypnotic trance like state, short term memory impairment, lowered inhibitions, drowsiness, etc.  Some of the symptoms of Ativan abuse and addiction are euphoria, aggression, confusion, amnesia, drowsiness, and loss of coordination.  If you recognize yourself in this description, seek the help of a professional psychotherapist or an Ativan rehabilitation center.

The journey to recovery will be a long and difficult road to travel.  There will be ups and downs, highs and lows.  Although the addict may be tempted to walk this path alone, this is a journey best taken with help.  The best chance for success in overcoming an addiction to Ativan is with the help and support of family, friends, a licensed counselor, and an Ativan addiction center.  It takes commitment to beat this disease, but it can be done when utilizing all of these available resources.

The first step down this path to recovery is understanding, admitting and accepting that you have a problem.  Unless you realize that you have an Ativan addiction, you will not be motivated to seek the help that you need.  If you are seeking to quit an Ativan dependency, take some time to consider how Ativan is affecting your life.  How much time, energy and money are you putting into obtaining the drug?  How is it affecting your relationships with your loved ones, friends and within the work place?  Is your physical health being harmed?  Is your mental health being harmed?  Once you have come to terms that you have a problem with Ativan, reach out to your family and friends, a licensed therapist, or an Ativan treatment program.  If you are the loved one of someone who is dependent upon Ativan, gently approach him or her to begin discussing that recovery is possible and that you are there to help.  Remember that this addiction is controlling your loved one's life, and that they may not be able to recognize that they have an Ativan dependency.  Let your loved one know that you care, and that you will help them in any way possible to recover.  Professional help is essential.  Help your loved one find the needed help so they can be free from an Ativan addiction.

Ativan Rehab Centers Directory

The treatment programs listed in this directory have been carefully evaluated by Addiction Hope. We believe this resource can help you navigate through the various Ativan rehabilitation choices. We understand the importance of working with an all-inclusive and accredited drug addiction treatment program to help in the road to recovery.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming
California Oregon Nevada Washington Texas Idaho Arizona Utah Montana Wyoming North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Louisiana Arkansas Iowa Mississippi Missouri Minnesota Maine New York Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania West Virginia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Illinois Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Colorado New Mexico Alaska Hawaii New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland

Treatment Plan for Ativan Addiction

The Ativan addict's treatment plan is a four pronged approach.  Loved ones, a trained counselor, an Ativan treatment program and a support group are essential to overcoming an addiction to Ativan.  All four of these components are heavily relied upon, and must function as a team.

  • Loved one – Do not undervalue the importance that friends and family will play in the recovery process.  They will provide the motivation and inspiration when the challenges to recovery and healing become too difficult to handle alone.
  • Licensed Counselor – The personalized Ativan treatment program that a licensed counselor will create is vital to success in recovery.  They will also aid in the admission to an Ativan treatment center.
  • Ativan Treatment Program – An Ativan detox program will assist in coping with any physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms that arise.  It will also assist in addressing any ongoing co-occurring issues.
  • Support Group – Joining a support group is of high importance due to the insight and direction they can provide.  Their much needed help can aid in preventing a relapse.  They are key in maintaining sobriety.

Treatment Levels for Ativan Addiction

There are various levels of treatment that an Ativan addict can utilize to overcome the addiction.  The severity of the addiction and any co-occurring disorders will determine the initial treatment level.  When overcoming an Ativan addiction and deciding upon treatment level, it is vital to consider any ongoing issues such as serious mood disorders, other substance abuse, or eating disorders.  Seeking an Ativan rehab program to assist in this determination is incredibly important.

  • Inpatient/Hospital Treatment – Patients at this level of care are hospitalized  24 hours per day in a hospital.  The Inpatient hospital staff’s goal is to stabilize patients as quickly as possible to allow them to function in a lower level of care.
  • Residential Treatment Center (RTC) -  This type of care generally involves a stay for at least 30 days and can be extended for up to 90 days.  While the main addiction receives the concentrated healing efforts, any other co-occurring issues will be addressed as well.
  • Partial Hospitalized Programs (PHP) -  This treatment level integrates individual therapy and group therapy, normally in a hospital or residential environment.  This curriculum can run 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, but sessions are commonly held five days a week in the mornings or afternoons.
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) - This level of outpatient care provides intense assistance and individual services but does not use detoxification.  It allows the addict to continue in some of their normal daily activities such as work, and then they can participate in a program either early in the morning or later in the evening.
  • Outpatient Care -  While the outpatient program simulates an IOP, it is not as rigorous.  There are fewer individual limits placed on the patient, but personal treatment and group sessions are still applied.
  • Support Groups - The support made available by the group is crucial in beating a drug dependency.  The group can supply much needed care and compassion on the road to recovery.

Types of Therapy for Ativan Addiction

Currently, there are not any medication based treatments for Ativan addiction.  Ativan addiction is most effectively fought by incorporating multiple therapies.  Ativan rehab centers employ various types of therapy to help someone overcome their dependency.  A combination of therapies focusing upon behavior modification and psychological issues are commonly used by Ativan detox centers.  Some of these treatments for helping the person reliant upon Ativan are:

  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) -  IPT concentrates on the interpersonal relations and social roles using a short-term supportive psychotherapy, and it tries to help patients find better ways to handle and deal with existing issues or problems.  The four main parts acknowledged by IPT are role changes, relationship shortcomings, unresolved grief, and role disputes.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) -  This category of rehabilitation is designed to work on a patient’s maladaptive ways of thinking as a way influencing their behavior with an approach that is more positive.  It in turn aids the person in replacing nonconstructive coping skills with more constructive ones.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) - This version of behavioral therapy  combines aspects of IBT and CBT behavioral therapy for emotion regulation.  It combines the stress management and mindful awareness parts of the therapies into the DBT therapy.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - ACT is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies combined in various ways with commitment and behavior-change strategies.  This should enhance the patient’s emotional and mental flexibility.
  • Supportive Programs - Groups much like the 12 step programs Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are included in this type of treatment.  It also consists of group therapy, support groups, family therapy, etc.

Beating Ativan addiction is a difficult journey to undertake.  It is fraught with trials and tribulations.  However, it is possible to achieve freedom from this dependency.  When you make the decision to take back your life from this disease of Ativan addiction, you have to make the first move.  By admitting that this addiction is more powerful than you are, and that you need the help and support of your loved ones, you will be taking the vital first step down the path you want to travel.  By seeking the aid of a licensed counselor and utilizing an Ativan treatment center, you will be well armed in this battle.  Know that your assistance team will take this journey with you and that you can beat the dependency upon Ativan.  You are worth it.

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on March 27, 2014
Published on,  Online Addiction Help Guide