Addiction Recovery Methods & Support Articles and Resources

Addiction Hope dedicates a significant portion of our attention to addiction recovery methods & support methods and the latest treatment for substance abuse, mental health conditions, and process addictions. Continue reading below for the latest blog posts related to recovery and support. In the “Recovery & Support Navigation” menu, click on the drop-down arrow to find helpful resources on interventions, detoxification, support groups, recovery books and much more.

The Fear of Losing Your Identity Within the Addiction

Medication-Assisted Treatment can cause problems for at risk populations Facing the choice to embark on recovery is often not a simple one to make. There are a multitude of factors that can hold one back from leaning into the process and healing themselves from the addiction. One of the factors holding people back from progress is the significant fear of losing one’s identity that [...]
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Creative Expression in Addiction Recovery

Recovery is complex, and it requires us to turn inwards. Behind addictive behavior is often unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions, and wounded parts of ourselves. Creative expression can help aid in recovery from these. It can be very difficult for one to put into words their pain that they have spent so long numbing. This difficulty [...]
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Serotonin & Substance Abuse Relapse

Nature Lone Tree in Field According to Harvard Medical School, addiction "exerts a long and powerful influence on the brain that manifests in three distinct ways: craving for the object of addiction, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences." [1] It may appear that those who struggle with addictive behaviors have "lost their [...]
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Self Soothing Tips for Young Men to Replace Substance Abuse

Guy in mountains thinking about Substance Use Disorder Recovery In his book Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions, comedian, actor, and self-help guide, Russell Brand describes how easy it is to go down the path of acting on your urges to fall back into substance abuse or use addictive behaviors. He writes, "Once I topple, go active, decide to pursue my nominated object of addiction, [...]
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