Addiction Recovery Methods & Support Articles and Resources

Addiction Hope dedicates a significant portion of our attention to addiction recovery methods & support methods and the latest treatment for substance abuse, mental health conditions, and process addictions. Continue reading below for the latest blog posts related to recovery and support. In the “Recovery & Support Navigation” menu, click on the drop-down arrow to find helpful resources on interventions, detoxification, support groups, recovery books and much more.

How to Make 2020 a Sober Year

2020 Calendar By mid-January, those who made New Year's resolutions are starting to feel the heat. According to an article in USA Today, "January 17 is D-Day for New Year's resolutions – the day most people give up on good intentions and fall back into old habits." [1] This makes it hard for a sober 2020. Ugh. [...]
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Addiction and Anger Issues

Updated SAMHSA workbook for Addiction and Anger Issues "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." These are the words of mild-mannered Bruce Banner in the 70's TV show The Incredible Hulk. As a kid, I couldn't wait to watch each week's episode. I can still see the Hulk, played by massive Lou Ferrigno, battling it out with Bigfoot in a [...]
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Motivation Tips for Substance Use Disorder Recovery

Guy in mountains thinking about Substance Use Disorder Recovery The majority of my experience as a mental health professional has been in the context of treatment centers. My guess is that less than 30% of the clients in these settings came to treatment because they were motivated for substance use disorder recovery. Instead, they came because of one or more of the following reasons: [...]
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Sesame Street Comes to the Rescue of the Opioid Crisis

Sesame Street Characters - Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Elmo, Grover, and Abby Cadabby 2019 marks the 50th year of the PBS children's educational show Sesame Street, and a new sesame street character named Karlie is being introduced. True to their form, the creators of the program began by asking a simple question, can television be used to educate kids? Utilizing research in the fields of developmental psychology and [...]
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Opioid Use and Sleep Disorders

drug addict addicted to Benzodiazepine Use Sleep is making a comeback, and that is good news for the recovery community as new studies are showing how a good night's sleep is an essential tool for those in recovery from addiction. The team at the National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program in Baltimore, Maryland, knew that opioids disrupt sleep. Still, they [...]
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