Online Support Groups for Addiction Recovery

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope

Attentive woman working on the laptop while her boyfriend is sleThe foundation for any lasting recovery effort from addiction stems from a strong support system. Having people in your life that stand behind you, encourage you and motivate you towards your ongoing recovery and sobriety is absolutely essential.

Whether your support system consists of family members, trustworthy friends or relatives, a sponsor or mentor, or members of an actual support group, it is important to rally those around you who constantly lift you up.

With advancements in technology, it is easier than ever to stay connected to others who support your recovery and help you maintain sobriety. Online support groups and forums can serve as tremendous resources for individuals across the world you are battling against an addiction and working towards freedom and healing. Even if you cannot physically attend a support group or if you live in a remote location, finding an online support group is a practical and easy way to make connections.

Finding a Support Group Specific to You

Online support groups can be found based on a specific type of addiction that you might be dealing with, such as alcohol, marijuana, crystal meth, cocaine, prescription drugs, etc. Finding a support group that is specific to your needs can help you connect to individuals that empathize and relate to your situation.

If you are struggling with a co-occurring disorder or mental illness, such as depression or any type of anxiety disorder, you may also try to find an online support group that addresses both concerns.

Sites That Can Help You Find the Support You Need

man showing virtual brains on open palm, idea conceptIf you are interested in joining an online support group for addiction recovery, consider checking out the following sites for more information and help:

SMART Recovery – Self Management for Addiction Recovery

Smart Recovery offers face-to-face meetings around the world as well as daily online meetings, message boards and a 24/7 chat room forum for addiction recovery. SMART recovery offers an online community to support a wide range of addiction behaviors, including:

  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Gambling addiction
  • Sexual addiction
  • Prescription drug abuse
  • Problem addiction to other substances and activities1

In addition to online support, SMART Recovery also offers tools and discussions to support continued growth in the addiction recovery journey.

Daily Strength

Daily Strength offers free, anonymous support for addiction and recovery, including alcoholism, cocaine, heroine, inhalant, prescription, marijuana, and more. Other online support groups offered through Daily Strength include food, gambling, and internet addiction.

If you are the family or friend of a recovering addict, you can also find online support through the Daily Strength community2.

Addiction Survivors

This not-for-profit organization is dedicated to providing a peer supported community to individuals suffering with addictions, as well as for family, friends, and loved ones. Forums range on a variety of topics, including painkillers, alcoholism, street drugs and more.

These support forums are created and funded in whole by an individual whose life may have been impacted by addiction. Participants can access these forums on a 24/7 basis and can maintain anonymity throughout their sessions3.

Connecting to Support Today

Smiling female student doing homework by laptop at cafeteria tableNo matter what point of your recovery you may be at, it is important to know that there is support that you can connect to today. While the struggle with addiction can be an isolating journey, recovery can be filled with ongoing encouragement of support groups.

If you or a loved one has been in recovery from addiction and has not been involved in a support group, consider making a connection with an online support group for addiction. You will likely find a community of individuals who can offer structure and guidance, empowering and strengthening you to continue your journey of sobriety and recovery.

Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!

What is your experience with online support groups for addiction recovery? What groups would you recommend to those looking for somewhere to become connected to support?

*Disclaimer: Addiction Hope is not associated or affiliated with the above mentioned online support groups. Addiction Hope seeks to offer resources for addiction recovery.


  1. SMART RECOVERY – Self Management for Addiction Recovery, Accessed 10 April 2015
  2. Daily Strength, Accessed 10 April 2015.
  3. Addiction Survivors - Accessed 10 April 2015

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on May 1st, 2015
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