Opioid Misuse Higher Among LGBTQ+ People

Lady siting dealing with Co-Occurring Addiction Contributor: Staff at Starlite Recovery Center Given the severity of the opioid crisis in America, it is evident that opioid misuse is prevalent in a wide range of communities. Of those affected, the LGBTQ+ community is at a higher risk for opioid misuse due to the cumulative burden of minority discrimination that can lead to [...]
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Health Risks of Untreated Addiction

Contributor: Staff at Bayside Marin Many people either have engaged in or know someone who has engaged in substance use at least once in their life. Whether it’s through an illicit drug, a prescription painkiller, or an alcoholic beverage, substance use is common among people from all walks of life and is a serious health [...]
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New Study Puts Risk Factors for ‘Drunkorexia’ in Clearer View

Therapist For Addiction And Depression - Addiction Hope Contributor: Staff at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center You won’t hear the term “drunkorexia” used as an official diagnosis. Still, this term is problematic on a number of levels as it relates to behavioral health. Drunkorexia, sometimes referred to as food and alcohol disturbance, is a pattern of behavior that essentially boils down to opting [...]
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Unprecedented Rise in Alcohol-Related Deaths During Pandemic

Grave Tombstone with R.I.P. Contributor: Staff at Sierra Tucson Having a beer or a glass of wine to take the edge off has become even more common during the COVID-19 pandemic. A single drink often turns into many in an effort to numb the fear and stress of living through such uncertain times. Over the past few years, weekly [...]
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The Financial Toll of Addiction

Man pulling money out of his wallet Contributed By: The Refuge – A Healing Place Addiction comes at a cost, and not just in the lives lost to this disease. A person’s battle with addiction can take a serious financial toll, and this can pose a greater challenge for those who are in the early stages of recovery. People from all walks [...]
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