Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope
If you have struggled with an addiction, you can likely relate to the many obstacles, challenges, and trials that any person on this road may be facing. Living with an addiction, no matter how short or long, has damaging repercussions, including devastating physical, emotional, psychological, and social consequences.
Working through and recovery from addiction is no easy feat either – something that requires lifelong dedication and commitment to the process and the journey. Even when an addict recovers physically from an addition, it takes constant vigilance to maintain sobriety and uphold the hard work that has been done in recovery.
Encouraging Others and Being the Support
Perhaps one of the most gratify aspects of being in recovery is giving back and being able to encourage others who may be experiencing similar circumstances. You likely had many people come alongside you who supported you through your darkest of days, and being able to offer this same support to others is an important aspect of giving back.
Seeing someone in recovery is both inspiring and encouraging and often gives the hope you need to keep going in recovery when times are tough.
Being a Mentor Requires Ongoing Recovery
If you have been stable in your recovery and have successfully maintained your sobriety, you might consider becoming a mentor for another individual who may be struggling with their addiction recovery. If this is something you are considering, it is important that you are not actively engaging in any addictive behaviors and that you have maintained your sobriety for a significant length of time.
Remember that as a mentor, you will essentially become a person who provides accountability, encouragement, and an anchor of support. If you find yourself still struggling with various aspects of your addiction, you may need to postpone your involvement as a mentor to a later time.
Integrating Mentoring into Your Life
Becoming a mentor is something that you can integrate into your life. Consider reaching out to local support groups to find out more information about how you can become a mentor. If you are solid in your recovery, you will find that giving back to others in this way can be a fulfilling part of your own journey.
Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!
Have you served as a mentor in the addiction community? If so, what was your experience?
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on July 1st, 2015
Published on AddictionHope.com