Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope
Having an addiction to methamphetamines can be a hard struggle that feels like a never ending cycle of abuse. If you have struggled with an addiction to methamphetamine, you have likely understood the intensity of the addictive struggle.
On one hand, you may have an inclination to reach out for help and recovery, especially if you are suffering with the devastating consequences that result from an addiction to methamphetamines. On the other hand, your body and brain are likely so physically addicted to methamphetamine, that the drive to use the drug overrides any desire you may feel to seek out help and treatment.
Methamphetamine Abuse Is Complex and Dangerous to Handle Alone
Because of the many complexities that are involved with methamphetamine use, seeking out treatment as early as possible is crucial to intervening on the many behaviors that are associated with this addiction.
Having a professional intervention can help stop the vicious cycle of methamphetamine abuse, that will likely continue on without outside and help and support. In order to protect your life and prevent lifelong damage from methamphetamine use, it is crucial to seek out for professional help and assistance.
Finding the Right Treatment for You
Treatment may vary based on the severity of an addiction. In some cases, a more acute level of care is needed to effectively intervene and provide appropriate treatment and care. For some meth addicts, the addiction behaviors may require a person to be under constant supervision to ensure medical stability through the recovery process.
An important part of recovery at this stage also involves detoxification from methamphetamines. This process can be taxing physically on the body and cause many side effects as the body withdraws from having meth in its system.
Residential Treatment for Methamphetamine Abuse
Doctors and nurses at a residential level of care can ensure that the body is safely detoxing from meth. Some residential treatment centers have a specific rehab unit for individuals undergoing detox.
Residential treatment may be undesirable, but in actuality, it can be a powerful tool for recovery if appropriate. Be sure have a discussion with your doctor or therapist about the level of care that is most appropriate for you.
Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!
How did residential treatment help you in your recovery journey from meth abuse? What encouragement might you offer to another individual who is unsure if residential treatment might be right for them?
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on July 17th, 2015
Published on AddictionHope.com