Wrapping up Our Time Together: Ending Ones Time in a Support Group

Group of young people during psychotherapy, horizontal

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope

If you have been in recovery from addiction, you have likely crossed paths with many individuals who have been an integral part of your journey. The common bond that unites recovering addicts is often the hope for recovery, empathy for the pathway, and compassion in shortcomings.

Though you may have not known a person prior to their addiction, the connection among peers and support groups can be almost instantaneous.

Staying Connected to Support

While staying connected to support is an important aspect of lifelong recovery and a key to maintaining abstinence, there may come a point where you need to conclude your time with a particular support group. This may be for a variety of reasons:

For example, you might be relocating, or a new job or school schedule might require you to find an alternative group, or you may need to restructure your support system around your current family obligations. As you progress with your recovery and begin to integrate normal daily activities, you may find it necessary to rearrange your support for ongoing recovery.

Preparing for the Transition Away from a Support Group

Ready to leaveLeaving or concluding your time with a support group can be a difficult process, as you have likely bonded with individuals that have encouraged your walk in recovery. If you are aware of an upcoming transition that may require you to end your time with a support group, be sure to prepare for this transition and allow yourself time to find closure with the people that you have allowed to become part of your journey.

Consider talking with the group leader in advance and prepare a closing session together, where you can have the chance to say your goodbyes. This will be an important time of conclusion for both you and your peers, giving them the opportunity to say final words of encouragement and support.

Always Having Support, No Matter Where You Are

Though your time may have concluded with your support group, know that staying connected to some form of support will always be an important part of your recovery journey. Be sure to set up another form of support for yourself that can fit within your schedule, as this will be a necessary part of ongoing sobriety and continued recovery from addiction.

Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!

What approaches have helped you conclude your time with a support group that you have regularly attended? What piece of encouragement would you offer to someone who is looking for new support?

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on May 1st, 2015
Published on AddictionHope.com