Tag Archives: Spouse

How to Support a Spouse Going Through Withdrawal

Husband hugging spouse struggling with a drug addiction Contributed by Staff of Timberline Knolls Watching a spouse struggling with a drug addiction can be painful, confusing, and overwhelming. The reality is that drug addictions arise from many complex factors – some things which cannot necessarily be helped or prevented. The tendency as a spouse, who is often observing things from an outside perspective, [...]
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How Do I Forgive My Spouse Who Betrayed Me in a Sexual Addiction?

Spouse holding hands The devastating fallout of sexual addictions is de-stabilizing and wreaking havoc on the average American family. It’s been reported that 50% of all men and 30 % of all women have an active engagement with pornographic material (and here’s the sad truth, most studies show that it’s not much different in the Church). We’ve traded [...]
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