Tag Archives: Military

PTSD & War Heroes, Spiritual Needs of Our Returning Veterans

Two soldiers on patrol 8The Bible begins and ends with a war. The classic “good vs. evil” narrative is the central storyline of God’s word. Before George Lucas and Star Wars, we had God walking in the Garden of Eden and His nemesis, a serpent, waging war in the most epic “Good vs. Evil” story that the world has [...]
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Considerations & Soldiers Needing Alcohol Addiction Therapy

Two soldiers on patrol Over 625,000 veterans who are registered in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), are diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder (SUD) [1]. Typically heavy drinking and alcohol-related issues also tend to be seen in younger service members and those returning from deployments that involve combat regions. US military members have higher rates of mental health issues [...]
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Soldiers & Stress – Find Healthy Outlets Other Than Drug Abuse

Soldier in a sunset The military is known for substance abuse and uses due to the extreme stress of war, long work hours, and other factors. Alcohol is available on and off military bases, and typically a discount on military installations. Studies have found that service members who have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and experienced combat, are at [...]
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The Injured Veteran – Helping Our Heroes Overcome Addiction

Military veteran struggling with chronic pain The military culture can sometimes be characterized by rampant drinking, excessive prescription medication abuse and a “don’t ask don’t tell” approach when it comes to addiction. Wartime saw many doctors and medics desperate to treat soldiers for pain from combat injuries and prescription opiates were the easiest and quickest way to do so. This ended [...]
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Veterans & PTSD – Why The Vulnerability to Addiction?

Veteran in a wheelchair As the United States grapples with what is being touted as the worst drug crisis in its history, an overshadowed victim often does not receive the attention it deserves. These are the veterans. Not only drinking rates are reported at an all time high, but veterans are also caught up in the current opioid epidemic. [...]
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