Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope
The process of recovering from an addiction is a deeply intimate and personal journey. While breaking away from the tendency to isolate is an important aspect and part of recovering, it can also be difficult to know who you can reach out to and who to trust with your vulnerabilities.
Especially if you have struggled with broken relationships in the past or have been hurt or let down by someone you thought you could trust, it may be difficult to put yourself out there and feel as though you can reveal the nature of your addiction.
Building a Close Knit Support Group
Whatever stage of recovery you may be in from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, building a closely knitted support group will be a key foundation to your recovery journey and long-term sobriety. Choosing a person to trust can be an overwhelming process, one that should be approached with discretion and wisdom.
It may be helpful to begin by considering your inner circle of family members and friends. Who has consistently been part of your life and has stood by you throughout all the ups and downs of your addiction? Is there someone who has encouraged you or helped guide you to recovery and treatment? You may consider starting with these people and building your support system outwards from here.
Who Should Be in Your Circle of Trust?
Perhaps you have not had any close family members or friends stick with you through your addiction recovery or simply feel as though you cannot trust those who you may be immediately surrounded by. In this situation, it may be helpful to work with your therapist or counselor to brainstorm ways to build a trustworthy circle of support.
If you are a religious person, you may also consider the power of prayer and seeking spiritual guidance in your addiction recovery journey. Enlisting the direction of elders, pastors, and counselors can also be a helpful part of rebuilding your life after an addiction and learning on whom you can rely on and trust.
Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!
What was helpful to you in discerning the appropriate persons to share your recovery journey with? What advice or encouragement might you offer to other recovering addicts who have found themselves unsure about who to trust in their recovery journey?
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on July 17th, 2015
Published on AddictionHope.com