What Are The Differences Between Sex Addiction And Pornography Addiction?

Reducing Porn Use & Differences Between Porn Addiction And Sex Addiction

Many people have the mistaken belief that sex addiction and pornography addiction are the same mental disorder expressed through different outlets. Of course, the sexual nature of both addictions makes them similar, but on a deeper level, there are fundamental differences between the two to the point where they're not that similar at all.

The Differences Between Pornography Addiction and Sex Addiction

One obvious difference between porn addiction and a sex addiction is that sex addiction, by definition, takes place with a partner. A porn addict can satisfy their urges simply by logging on to the internet, watching a video, or opening a magazine.

A sex addict, however, is constantly on the hunt for new partners, and new avenues to express his or her sexuality. Therefore, sex addicts are generally very social people. Meanwhile, porn addicts are likely to become reclusive, spending much of their free time in front of a computer monitor and not interacting with others face-to-face.

Pornography Can Lead To A Letdown

Another difference between the two addictions is that porn addicts are at an increased risk for problems with sexual performance. Due to the chronic sexual over-stimulation caused by the constant viewing of pornography, many porn addicts find it difficult to become aroused by real-life partners, even when they believe that their partner is sexually attractive. Sex addicts, on the other hand, aren't known to suffer from this same problem.

Porn Addiction On The Rise

Because of the availability of high-speed internet and the ubiquity of porn websites, the number of people suffering from an addiction to pornography is growing rapidly. However, the number of sex addicts seems to be stable over time. When you consider just how easy it is to view an endless supply of pornographic material, it makes sense that more and more people will develop an addiction to it.

It is possible that the proliferation of online dating communities and so-called “hookup apps” will cause the number of sex addicts to spike, but as of now, stemming the tide of pornography addiction is the more pressing issue.

It should also be noted that while the National Association of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity estimates the number of American sex addicts to be between 3% and 6% of the population, the number of people who struggle to control their porn consumption is much, much higher.

The Psychological Differences Between Both

Woman Suffering from Pornography And Sex Addiction Making Advances on a stranger - Addiction HopeThe primary difference between porn addiction and sex addiction are the underlying psychological causes behind both. Porn addiction functions more like an addiction to cigarettes, where small amounts of dopamine are released every time pornographic images are viewed, leading to habitual and compulsive behavior.

Sex addiction, on the other hand, is believed to be a type of personality disorder. Many psychologists view sex addiction as a manifestation of either bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or borderline personality disorder. On the surface, the two addictions may appear similar, but they affect the brain in completely different ways.


It’s no wonder that so many people view pornography addiction and sex addiction as two sides of the same coin, especially when they lack a deep understanding of how different addictions can take hold. When we look a little closer, however, it becomes clear that these two disorders are very different. A porn addict might have little interest in physical sex, and a sex addict may never watch pornography.

Once the fundamental differences between porn addiction and sex addiction are more widely recognized, people who suffer from these conditions can better receive the type of treatment that best suits their needs.

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We at Addiction Hope understand that addictions result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, please know that there is hope for you, and seek immediate professional help.

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on October 28, 2016
Published on AddictionHope.com