Tag Archives: Stimulant

Do ADHD And Stimulant Drug Misuse Go Hand In Hand Among College Students?

ADHD And Stimulant Drug Misuse Among College Students - Addiction Hope College is a time of experimentation for young adults. They are figuring out who they are, what they want and what they like. For some students, this leads to the misuse of various substances: alcohol, marijuana and even hard narcotics. In some cases, students turn to substances for seemingly good intentions, such as to improve [...]
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Why Are There Different Drug Names On The Street?

Different Drug Names Cocaine Heroin Marijuana - Addiction Hope Snow. Crank. Acid. Buttons. These words seem normal enough, but they actually refer to cocaine, crystal meth, LSD and psychedelic mushrooms, respectively. There is a wide world of street names for drugs, and they’re constantly changing. For parents especially, it’s important to recognize the alternative terms that people use to refer to common drugs. Even [...]
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Why Has The Popularity of Lexapro Taken A Nosedive?

Popularity Of Lexapro Dropped 97 Percent - Addiction Hope In the summer of 2011, the prescription antidepressant Lexapro accounted for more than $720 million in sales in the United States. By early 2013, that number had dropped dramatically – and it hasn’t seen a rise since. One of the most prescribed antidepressants in the country has taken a nosedive in use and sales. Why? [...]
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How Does Wellbutrin Work, And What Are The Risks?

How Does Wellbutrin Work Side Effects - Addiction Hope Antidepressants are a broad category of drugs. These medications are prescribed widely, with one in 10 Americans having a prescription for them. These substances control chemical levels in the brain, although the precise way they work depends upon the specific medication itself. Many of these drugs are not considered habit-forming when used correctly and under [...]
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Does Taking Prescription Adderall Increase The Risk Of Abusing Other Substances?

Taking Prescription Adderall Gateway Drug - Addiction Hope Physicians often prescribe stimulants such as Adderall to manage the symptoms associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Treatment often begins at a young age, although adolescents and adults may receive first-time treatment too. While the stimulant effect can help some individuals manage their symptoms, medications such as Adderall may contribute to a risk of future substance [...]
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