Tag Archives: Food Addiction

Navigating Food Addiction at Triggering Holiday Events

Holiday event food Food can be comforting, nurturing, and a way to celebrate holidays and events. For those who struggle with a food addiction, the holidays can be a source of all-consuming food that may be compulsive and uncontrollable. Food addiction is often defined as out-of-control behaviors and habitual thoughts with food [1]. Individuals may try to control [...]
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Signs That Might Indicate You Have a Food Addiction

Woman sitting next to her car 35% of adults in the US are obese, but a study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry found that 10% of underweight participants met the criteria for a food addiction [1]. Addiction is typically associated with drugs or alcohol, but research has shown that food addictions activate the same reward and pleasure areas of our brain [...]
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Overview of Drugs Studied for Combating Food Addiction

Man struggling with food addiction Food addiction is a type of addiction where individuals who struggle with eating large amounts of food, typically done in secret within a 2 hour time period and have an unhealthy relationship with food. Those who are addicted to food, react the same way as those addicted to drugs react [1, 4]. In 2009, Yale [...]
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Compulsive Overeating Versus Food Addiction: What is the Difference?

Woman fighting Compulsive Overeating Contributor: Melissa O’Neill, LCSW, Director of Clinical Operations, Timberline Knolls If you have ever sat down for a meal and ate to the point that you were uncomfortably full, is this something you should be concerned about? What if you find it difficult to control yourself around food, or find yourself reaching for food, even [...]
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