Article Contributed by Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC
Struggling with a sexual addiction can be a painful and isolating journey. The stereotypes that commonly surround this disorder can cause an individual to feel withdrawn from society, family, friends, and loved ones.
Many individuals who are addicted to sexual behaviors may find it difficult to open up to anyone, including professionals within the treatment field. Disclosing the secretive and uncomfortable details of the daily struggle that may be encountered can be unfathomable for a sex addict, yet it is a necessary part of treatment and healing.
Treatment for Sexual Addiction
Treatment for sexual addiction involves the assistance of trained professionals who specialize in working with sex addicts. Another invaluable component of recovery involves support groups, which includes other men and women who may be struggling with similar issues.
While it may be difficult to open up to other individuals about your issues with sexual addiction, becoming involved in a support group can provide you with needed accountability, encouragement, inspiration, and reassurance throughout your recovery journey.
How to Get Involved in Sex Addiction Recovery Groups
Support groups meet on a regular basis and can take place in a variety of settings, such as:
- A community hall
- A local church
- A member’s home
- A classroom
Support groups for sexual addiction may be led by a qualified therapist or counselor who is familiar with group therapy sessions and who is able to facilitate the conversation. These support groups may focus on covering a specific topic or allow individuals to process their struggles, share victories, etc.
Support groups can be open, which allows new members to join at any time, or closed, which means that all members start the group sessions together.
Organizations that Offer Support Groups
If you are interested in joining a support group for sexual addiction, you may be unsure where to find a group. There are many organizations that offer support groups for sexual addiction, including but not limited to the following:
Sexual Addicts Anonymous (SAA):
This organization offers support meetings across the United States and around the world, promoting sexual addiction recovery through the 12-Step Process. The SAA program also offers a spiritual component to the recovery process without requiring the adherence to a specific practice or belief [1].
The SAA Fellowship is open to men and women alike, which meet together through local groups to support one another through the recovery process from compulsive sexual behavior [1].
Celebrate Recovery:
These support groups are biblically based programs that help guide individuals through the recovery from sexual addiction.
Celebrate recovery support groups are typically mediated through churches and church leaders, offering meetings in over 20,000 churches worldwide.
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA):
Similar to the SAA, the SCA is also based on the twelve steps of fellowship for sex addiction recovery. The primary purpose of the SCA is to stay sexually sober and to help others to achieve sexual sobriety.
SCA recovery groups encourage members to develop their own sexual recovery plan. Meetings are held through the United States and typically conducted in community centers [2].
Online Support Groups:
For individuals who may not yet feel ready to attend in-person support groups, online support groups may offer a helpful alternative. Online support groups, such as SMART recovery, or Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, offer support confidentially through the online community.
Even if you feel able to share with other individuals, you can still connect to help through online support.
Take Away the Isolation with a Group
Having an addiction to compulsive sexual behaviors can be an isolating journey. Do not allow any feelings of shame seclude you from the community of support that is available to help you through this journey.
Whether you have been in the recovery process for years or if you are just beginning your healing journey from sexual addiction, support groups will serve as an important part of your process. Being able to communicate and fellowship with other individuals who understand your struggles and pain can help you better process your own journey.
Support groups may also allow you the opportunity to connect with a mentor or an individual who can help keep you accountable in your life and as you encounter various obstacles.
Finding hope and healing begins with the acknowledgment that you cannot walk this road alone. Take the first step towards recovery from sexual addiction by breaking away from patterns of secrecy and seclusion and reaching out to someone you trust. A support group can serve as a safe haven for you as you navigate through the recovery process of sexual addiction.
- Sex Addicts Anonymous
- Sexual Compulsives Anonymous,
The opinions and views of our guest contributors are shared to provide a broad perspective of addictions. These are not necessarily the views of Addiction Hope, but an effort to offer a discussion of various issues by different concerned individuals.
We at Addiction Hope understand that addictions result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, please know that there is hope for you, and seek immediate professional help.
Published on October 16, 2014
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on June 4, 2018
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