Sexual Abuse History and Sexual Addiction

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC for Addiction Hope

alone-21842_640Contrary to the way society and mass media portrays sexual behaviors, sexual addiction is a serious disorder that involves many complex factors. Men and women, who suffer from compulsive sexual behaviors, or hypersexuality, have similar characteristics that define their patterns and choices.

This includes behaviors that involve preoccupation with sexual activities, neglecting duties and priorities to engage in sexual behaviors and repeated involvement in destructive sexual acts despite the negative consequences that may be unfold.

The Real Consequences

Illicit sexual activities are often portrayed with little consequence, but the reality is that a sexual addiction can be harmful in many aspects. Individuals struggling with sexual addiction put themselves at risk for many destructive consequences, such as

  • Health risks
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Financial ruin
  • Damaged relationships
  • And more

Even in light of the negative aspects that result for hypersexuality, sex addicts may find themselves unable to stop from engaging in this destructive pathway.

Factors in the Development of Sexual Addiction

What factors influence a person towards sexual addiction? No factor can be held singly responsible for sexual addiction, and research experts have found multiple causes that likely contribute to this behavioral disorder. This may include both environmental and biological factors.

Biological factors may include genetics that can make a person more susceptible to developing an addiction.

Examples of environmental factors include family history and exposure to trauma or abuse (including verbal, emotional, physical or sexual abuse). Sexual addiction likely develops when a combination of these factors interplay.

The Role of Sexual Abuse

Lady thinking about her Sexual AbuseMen and women who have a history of sexual abuse have risk factors that will also increase susceptibility to sexual addiction. Sexual abuse and trauma incur severe violations on the victim who has suffered these offenses.

Sexual abuse can utterly devastate the autonomy of a man or woman, particularly as this impacts them physically, emotionally, sexually, and psychologically. Individuals, who have suffered through sexual abuse, whatever the frequency, bear incredible wounds and pain from the wrongful acts committed against them.

Because of the severity of these traumas, sexual abuse can often result in many complex consequences for the victim, especially if the trauma is not professionally treated and addressed. Victims of sexual abuse may inadvertently develop other mental illnesses, such as:

This may partly be due to the need for a coping mechanism through the overwhelming burden of sexual abuse.

An Unhealthy Coping Technique

Sexual addiction is also a maladaptive behavior that may develop as a means of oppressing or distracting from painful emotions. Victims of sexual abuse may turn towards sexual acts or behaviors for pleasure or to avoid uncomfortable feelings or facts.

It is not uncommon for men or women who have been sexually abused to attempt to reclaim or reconstruct sexual encounters by relentlessly pursuing them, even if it is inflicting further harm. As sexual abuse often strips away dignity and self-worth, victims of sexual abuse may look to sexual encounters to find value, even if the encounter is destructive.

If you or someone you love has been a victim of sexual abuse, it is important to understand that there was nothing you did to deserve such pain and mistreatment. Your life is of incredible value and worth, and you deserve to find healing from the abuse that has inflicted you.

Treatment for Sexual Addiction

seaside-371229_640Perhaps you have struggled with sexual addiction as a result of your own sexual abuse. While this may have served as a coping mechanism to help you through overwhelming circumstances, there is a way to truly find healing from the pain you have been dealing with.

Treatment for sexual addiction begins by uncovering deeper layers and identifying what is underlying the addiction. By increasing emotional awareness and realizing your value, in spite of your wounds, you can begin to heal through many feelings and truths that have been suppressed by sexual addiction.

There is freedom to be uncovered, and though you may have been the victim of sexual abuse, you too can reclaim your life, freedom, and hope for the future.

The opinions and views of our guest contributors are shared to provide a broad perspective of addictions. These are not necessarily the views of Addiction Hope, but an effort to offer a discussion of various issues by different concerned individuals.

We at Addiction Hope understand that addictions result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, please know that there is hope for you, and seek immediate professional help.

Published on November 17, 2014
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on June 4, 2018

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