EDHope’s Programs

In our constant mission of raising eating disorder awareness, fighting eating disorders, and encouraging treatment and recovery, Addiction Hope has created some key programs and resources for eating disorders:

College Hope

College Hope is a national collegiate effort to promote Eating Disorder Awareness and Recovery on college campuses. In an effort to share ideas between schools and provide easily accessible resources for eating disorder treatment and information, we are gathering resources and counseling center information from different schools to publish here for students seeking help. At Addiction Hope, we recognize how the transition to college may be a vulnerable life change and empathize with the college-aged student who may be suffering with an eating disorder. Because of this, we are committed to increasing awareness by collaborating with college campuses, advocating for increased support and responsiveness, and sharing our resources.

Visit the College Hope page to learn more.

Addiction Hope Club for Professionals

Addiction Hope is committed to supporting professionals and providers serving in the Eating Disorder Field. The Hope Club is exclusively designed for eating disorder treatment professionals and dedicated in offering the most current knowledge of developments in the field of eating disorders. This includes updates on new treatment programs, eating disorder research, newly released books and articles, international developments, support groups, and the latest events. The Hope Club also includes a membership to the Linked In Group, a service that allows Eating Disorder professionals to stay connected with fellow colleagues with great tools to communicate and collaborate. The Hope Club is the premiere way to remain up to date in knowledge of developments in the field of eating disorders.

Go to the Hope Club for Eating Disorder Professionals page.

Career Center for Eating Disorder Professionals

The need for specialized professionals in the field of eating disorders is growing, particularly as eating disorder prevention, awareness, and treatment is increasing. At Addiction Hope, we encourage and support those who are seeking to enter the field of eating disorder treatment and the seasoned professionals who are interested in exploring options. Our Career Center contains updated job listings and current openings in the eating disorder field. We are also proud to partner with our colleagues at www.Eatingdisorderjobs.com in promoting career development and professional excellence in the eating disorder field.

Visit the Eating Disorder Professionals Career Center

Professional Resources

Professional resources are an invaluable aspect to anyone's scope of practice in the field of eating disorders. Addiction Hope recognizes this need and is proudly committed to supporting eating disorder treatment providers, such as therapists, psychologists, physicians, psychiatrists, nutritionists and school counselors by offering an extensive collection of relevant and helpful resources.

Visit the Eating Disorder Professional Resources page.

Last Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on April 25, 2012

Page last updated: October 24, 2012
Published on EatingDisorderHope.com, Eating Disorder Help