Recovery First Treatment Center

Recovery First Hollywood Recreational Room BServicing Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding community, Recovery First knows that no two people are the same when it comes to recovery. Our main goal is to offer you freedom from your addiction through a personalized continuum of care.

We’re proud to offer our clients a diverse array of therapies aimed at helping you change maladaptive thinking, work through issues such as grief or trauma, and increase your motivation for positive change.

Detox Lobby Nurse Station BChanging the way you think about yourself and the world around you will increase your chances of lifelong success in recovery.

Some types of therapies we might integrate into your plan of care may include dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), which helps you learn to alter your emotions and build better relationships with people, or process group therapy, where you work with others in recovery to talk about past experiences.

Large Classroom ABeginning your recovery is a turning point in your life, and often an overwhelming and scary step. We want to reduce your burden and help you relax as much as possible.

That’s why we have a number of amenities and features in our programs. From a stocked gym and recreation rooms to apartment-style living, our Hollywood location has just what you need to feel comfortable in rehab.

Recovery First Hollywood Exterior Main AOur goal is to help you feel as good in treatment as possible so that you can give all your attention to your recovery.

Your recovery doesn’t end when treatment ends, and neither does our support. We offer a number of alumni and aftercare groups to help you stay on track and complete your goals.

Recovery First Hollywood CafeteriaRecovery First Treatment Center offers a number of alumni and aftercare support sessions to keep you motivated and on track.

Our alumni program hosts monthly events where you can learn to socialize and have fun with other people in recovery without using drugs or alcohol.

Recovery First Service Offerings:
Medical detox, Intensive Rehab, Residential Treatment, IOP, PHP

Patient Types Served:
Male and Female
Impaired Professionals, Veterans, First Responders, Patients with chronic medical conditions

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), DBT, CBT, ACT, Motivational Interviewing (MI), Family Therapy, Co-Occurring Mental Health Treatment, Psychoeducational Groups, Pet Therapy, Recreational/Outdoor Therapy
