Tag Archives: Overcoming Fear

How To Share Your Struggles With Co-Occurring Addiction With Family Members

Co-Occurring Addiction Reach Out To Family - Addiciton Hope Honesty, honesty, honesty. The great David Viscott, a prominent writer in the psychological world, insists that if we were to live our lives honestly, then we would heal ourselves. [1] So is he blowing smoke? Living a fantasy? Or is he accurate? Revealing Your Co-Occurring Addiction There are few things harder to recover from than [...]
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The Surprising Struggle Of Being Christian And Addicted

Struggle Of Being Christian And Addicted Struggling with addiction can be one of the most difficult experiences a person can go through. Feelings of shame, regret, guilt and hopelessness can haunt the addict’s mind for years. How could I have let this happen? Why have I been so weak? While addiction is painful for everyone, for Christians, the struggle can be [...]
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Suicide By Social Media: The Digital Killer

Suicide By Social Media - Addiction Hope The number of stories about teen suicide caused by bullying seems to multiply each year. While bullying used to occur primarily in the schoolyard and classroom, the prevalence of young people joining social media sites has led to a new arena for psychological abuse. The link between bullying and suicide among young people is well [...]
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Forgetting My Fear and Helping Someone Else

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope The recovery process from addiction and substance abuse can be full of unknowns. After struggling with an addiction to drugs and alcohol for any length of time, letting go of old habits and learning to trust the process of recovery can [...]
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