Tag Archives: Help

Allowing God to Help in Your Addiction Recovery

Man praying for God to help in your recovery Contributed by Staff of Timberline Knolls Addictions hijack our lives. We often don’t realize the bondage we are in as a substance, a process, or a behavior ever so slowly and subtly overtakes our thoughts, emotions, actions, relationships, and time. An addiction of any kind robs us of freedom, fullness, and simply the joy of [...]
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In College And Drug Addicted: How Do I Begin Getting Help?

In College And Drug Addicted Library Contributor: Ryan Moffat, B.S. in Bible and Theology from Multnomah University. Pastor of Vast Church. College should be a time of incredible educational opportunities, developing lifelong friendships and making memories that will make an imprint for generations to come. For far too many young adults, what starts as a fun, exciting, life-giving possibility of living [...]
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The Causes Of Anger And Aggression In Our Teenage Boys

Boy struggling with alcohol addiction Negative behavioral patterns may be increasingly observed in teenage boys, often putting parents and guardians in a position of helplessness, fear and being overwhelmed when it comes to learning how to effectively address these behaviors. Teenage boys who exemplify behaviors such as physical aggression, abusive acting out, verbal destruction, etc. can labeled as "bad," or [...]
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