Tag Archives: Co-Occurring Disorder

Co-Occurring Disorders: How Do I Know Residential Treatment is Right for Me?

Woman on a cliff fighting co-occurring disorders Contributor: Megan Wilson, BS, CADC, Timberline Knolls There are many levels of treatment for those with co-occurring disorders and addictions. An individual usually begins with outpatient therapy. However, if their life remains unmanageable, residential care may be required. Some signs of unmanageability are feeling unable to accomplish daily tasks such as attending work or school, [...]
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What Are Co-Occurring Disorders and How Are These Connected With Addiction?

Man in recovery on the beach Written by Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Sponsored By Seasons in Malibu Addiction Treatment Center Addiction and substance abuse is a worldwide problem, negatively affecting countless individuals with the damaging repercussions that result from substance abuse. The rampant addiction problem that includes abuse of substances like alcohol, illicit drugs, pharmaceuticals, and more is not felt [...]
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Alcoholism and Bipolar Disorder: Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders

Young woman struggling with Co-occurring Disorders When you have a dual-diagnosis it is necessary to treat both conditions simultaneously. This isn’t a chicken or the egg scenario—it is more akin to having a flood in the basement and a fire in the attic. If you deal with one first, the other may have inflicted irreparable damage to the house by the [...]
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Co-Occurring Schizophrenia and Alcoholism: Effective Treatments

Co-occuring conditions As many as 50% of all individuals suffering with schizophrenia also meet the criteria for substance abuse disorder. According to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and health (NSDUH), 43.6 million Americans, aged 18 and over, experience some form of mental illness. It further reports that in the past two years, 20.2 million adults [...]
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Co-Occurring Seasonal Depression and Substance Abuse and During the Holidays

Man climbing to recovery of sexual addiction In 2007, the National Institute on Drug Use (NIDA) reported that approximately 60% of substance abusers have a co-occurring mental health disorder. Fall and winter can be a stressful time environmentally and situationally for sufferers. With darker months, individuals with seasonal depression are increased risks, some of which are boredom due to limited outside activity [...]
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