Tag Archives: 12 step

Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Substance Abuse and Addiction

Man climbing mountain working on thinking about Addiction Recovery Stories “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance,” Aristotle once very aptly phrased. This sums up the perspective that art therapy aims to provide patients battling addiction. Despite limited research, several case studies have proven this treatment modality helpful for patients in resolving conflicts, minimizing stress, [...]
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Effectiveness of Online Public Forums for Recovering Addicts

Man using tablet for Time Management in Addiction Recovery Online Public Forums are becoming more popular for recovering addicts. Forums typically have global members from all stages of the addiction process, who can provide useful guidance and information. Forums can be helpful in social interaction for those in recovery who can oftentimes feel isolated or lonely after treatment. What Online Forums Are Available? There [...]
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Effectiveness of the 12-Step Program Among Millennials

Millennial in a field For 76 years now, 12 Step Programs have monopolized the field of addiction recovery. Based on their principle of anonymity, an accurate figure of participation is unknown, but estimates suggest that around five million people attend these meetings in any given year. Recent times have, however, seen several critics question the validity of the twelve [...]
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The One Step Program For Addiction Recovery

Woman Wondering If She Has A Food Addiction The One Step Program “After he had come down from the mountain large crowds followed him. 2 Suddenly a man with a virulent skin-disease came up and bowed low in front of him, saying, 'Lord, if you are willing, you can cleanse me.' 3 Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him saying, 'I am [...]
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Overview of Apps That Support Addiction Recovery

Mother researching Mothers & Opioid Abuse Apps are a part of our everyday life. If we want to know the weather, we use an app. Need to know how to get someplace, use Google Maps. Almost anything now uses an social media to navigate and direct our lives. Its no surprise then that addiction treatment centers and recovery resources also have [...]
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